Are you looking for a solution in numerology science? If yes, then you are on the right page with the right person. It deals with numbers that influence your life. However it is an ancient practice in astrological science and prediction.
I have been into numerology for one year. Therefore, during this span, I have solved out critical cases and guided them in the right direction. The importance of numbers and the influence on an individual’s life is co-related. I enlightened my clients with the solution after calculating the numbers, their date of birth. For example, 5 may 1990 and name spelling Mou Chatterjee.
Depends on their numbers, I provide remedies as well as, foretell their future and, suggest how to live a worthy life.

Variations of numerology system
There are various methods to calculate numerology. All methods are depending on how and where it has originated.
- Chaldean (Mystical Numerology)
- Kabbalah Numerology (Hebrew mystical science)
- Tamil Numerology (Vedic)
- Western Numerology (Pythagorean)
Numerology, a mathematical science. Behind this ancient practice added value to your life, based on the numbers you are associated with. Similarly, it is a science that calculate the prosperity you’re gaining in your life, based on your date of birth. As a result, the attributes of the calculation foretell the health and wealth as well as the relationship state of the individual. However, the conventional astrology might miss out on.
Divisions of numerological calculation
We, humans, have several layers of emotional aspects. We need to work on that to fix specific issues. Based on this, numerology has different methods. They are
- Personality number or Birth Number
- Destiny number
- Kua number
Additionally, your education, career, love-life, settlement are tie in with the numbers you are born. Moreover, your nature and the way you respond, your happiness level, your anxiety all decided by the numbers you tune in on. It helps you prepare for the future. Hence, It allows you to cultivate your strengths and to overcome your weakness and the best part easiest from all of the occult studies available.
Change your Life. Bring Luck in your life and Get the Destiny work in your favor. If your birthday or addition of your entire birthdates is 13,14,16, and 19 then it's a karmic number.
Life will be filled with severe struggle.
To ease your life, Name correction to Super Lucky number is a must.
Name pronunciation will be the same and no need to change it legally.
Get your Numerology report done now
Stay blessed in the right direction!
I provide guidance and suggestions based on the date of birth and name spelling calculation. It soothes the suffering soul. Besides provide the right advice according to their present situation. In addition, I also cautious them for the future if any danger I sensed while calculating their numbers.
Finally, we are born with problems, but the journey of life must be trouble-free. If you are going through a tough time and cannot figure out what to do you can consult with me.
I am just a call away to lend my ears to listen to you!
In the present context of Covid, the online consulting service is open.
Book your session through calls or mail!